Can’t help it – I wonder even when there’s no use to it.

I wonder how I’ll remember the shopping when I’m not able to remember where I put the list?

I wonder if I should get that hearing aid or am I better just not to know?

I wonder how to find my glasses when I need them for the search.

I wonder why some people keep trying to explain God. Can’t they read? “My ways are not as your ways and My thoughts are not as your thoughts.”  He never promised to be understandable.

I’ve always been curious. I lived in a big house with a big family but I was the little kid and they were all ‘grown ups’. I learned a lot of things by just keeping my mouth shut and my ears open but some subjects were not spoken about until I was safely out of the way. It wasn’t a generation that believed in freedom of information, especially for children. My favorite aunt used to tell me about the things no one else in the family would talk about. She said I always insisted, “I want to know.” She figured if I was that concerned, I had a right to know. I miss her. But I still wonder and she’s not here to ask. So I’m taking a risk that the world has grown up enough to put up with my questions and listing a few of them here, just for the company. The ‘birds and the bees’ aren’t included. I got that one answered a long time ago.

–  I wonder why so many people who have more money then they can count keep on grabbing for more instead of getting out of the rat race and enjoying life

–  I wonder why people argue over if God exists or not. Like we have any say in the matter?  If we exist for any particular reason, that’s the question.

– I wonder why keeping you waiting unnecessarily: in phone queues; after you’ve arrived for an appointment; when people promise to call you right back; almost everywhere you go, is not seen as discrimination. I have things I need to be doing too and only so much life to do it in. Is their life more important than mine?

– I wonder if I can’t understand the singers on TV because my ears are failing or because their diction is awful? I still understand Frank Sinatra.

–  I wonder if there’s a God who doesn’t let us see Him, not because we’d be so scared that He is so big, but because He looks just like us. Someone like me in charge of the universe would sure scare me.  He did say we were made in His image. What if He meant just exactly that?

– I wonder why my clothes keep changing shape. They looked ok last year.

– I wonder why people have started calling me ‘luv’ since my wrinkles sprouted.

–  I wonder why I keep wondering about stuff like this.

Vivian Garner

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