I wish I could give my great grandchildren, my beautiful, beautiful babes, the assurance that their world will always be as warm and welcoming as it is right now. That they will always be loved and accepted and that the world will be a kind and generous place.

I wish I could give my grandchildren who are working so hard at raising those babes in the best way they can, the promise that they will be successful. That their babes will grow strong and straight and be safe.

I wish I could give my children a reminder that, as they are approaching or have passed the mid-point of their lives, now is no time to doubt because the future is always built on the past and theirs has been good.

I wish I could give myself the confidence that those wishes would come true.

I wish I did not know that often, wishing is just not enough.

Wishing does not make it so but loving makes it worth the risk. There are many kinds of love and the one that has helped me the most is Heavenly love. Add that to family love and no matter what happens, life is a blessing. Not always easy, certainly not painless –

but definitely worth the risk.

So, I have tried to give my beautiful babes a hint of what to look for that might not be part of their education, that no one might think to mention.  Not everyone is aware of the love that holds them safe, not everyone sees the miracles they live in. The earth that supports life is a miracle as we all know, even if we give it different names. Miracles are not special, miracles are who we are and where we are and, sometimes, we just need to look and listen.

This is to remind those who know and especially for those who have not been told, that life is a miracle. Not to pretend that life is risk free, but that the risk is worth taking. No matter what. That truth is not just for babes. But it is a good place to start.


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